Accessing Demo

Companies whose websites have a "Try Demo" button that leads to a form to fill all kinds of (sensitive) information leaves a distaste. On the Selfi Corporate website, I originally planned for a demo of all features without a single step of signing up. There's a couple of questions to answer:

(1) Are users allowed to create quizzes? If so, to which account should newly created quizzes be tagged to? If not, how do they experience the full Selfi Corporate offering?

(2) Should side features like uploading of organization logo work? Should we just place a dummy UI component to simulate the network communications of fetching?

(3) Should we dedicate time to sieve out all protected paths just for the demo? Currently all features are hidden behind logins, as they should be since all activities need to be tagged to an account.

A random realization came: Why don't we just sign in users when they press the "Try Demo" button. To prevent email and password changes,we just need to need to hide the Settings page on frontend, and lock account information changes for this particular demo account in the database.

However, what if people starts spamming creating of quizzes? :)