End of Selfi Corporate, for now
End of Selfi Corporate, for now

Selfi Corporate is an interface built for people looking to select traits for testing and analysis, and is linked to Personal (www.selfi.ai) through traits. Any traits that can be found in Personal can be found in Corporate, but tested at a massive scale. HR could use Selfi Corporate as a tool to assess job candidates for certain traits which they deem to be positive or negative depending on company culture and needs. Management can use it to assess company culture and trends of employees and teams. Team leaders could use it to form teams that have a higher probility of working well together.

It was a great sprint. The first version is out on staging and ready for testing! yay.

I'm looking forward to the next sprint, which will include tagging. Kai said users who create quizzes on Selfi Corporate would be lazy to include tags, so we are exploring ways to circumvent that and make it seamless. Like, adding tags automatically through key words used in Quiz Titles.

Current version of giving quiz a name

For example, we can detect Graduation as a "recruitment" exercise, and also add a "external" tag to the quiz. The idea of tags, I believe, is powerful for customization and great for analytics. We could use that for analysing the composition of different types of people, such as:

(1) Internal employees vs people who have not joined the company and are applying, what are the kinds of people in our company vs the kinds of people we are attracting.

(2) What are the traits and trends of people in the "Accounting" department? How does it differ from people in the "IT" department?



Landing and management page for quizzes
Selection of traits for assessment
Inviting participants to take part in the quiz
Analysis of traits by participants or by traits, with filters