Interactive Data

(this page has been renamed as Data Explorer in my portfolio section)

As the number of assessments created by assessors increase, I want to help them make their data reusable and useful. One way to do it is through a tool which pulls data across ALL assessments created by the organisation. This tool will have tag and participant filters to help the assessor view cross-sections of the organisation (e.g. the HR department) easily. Once we are able to get demographics data (salary, age group, gender etc.), this tool will get more powerful.

Some questions it might be able to answer:

  • What kinds of people are we hiring?
  • What kinds of people form the majority in the Finance department?
  • How are males and females' characteristics different in our organisation?
  • How does the Finance team differ from the Logistics team?
  • etc.

The next step would be to open up these data through API for internal use, or for calls to other HR platforms for insights. For a more open web!